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Sub Area 5 – Week of 4/22

Sub Area 5 – Week of 4/22

Upcoming Road Work

From William Sargent, Operations Foreman of the Littleton Highway Department: “The upcoming week of 4/22 will bring work from 213 Union Street and work towards Pine Street. As much work as possible will be done in that area before school starts back the following week. Lane closures should be limited to the eastbound lane and the immediate area of Pine Street near Lahouts.

“There will be minimal impact on the sidewalks and pedestrian detours shouldn’t be necessary. By-pass pumping will be part of the beginning of the work scope. This will most likely cause traffic alterations and delays. Safety is the name of the game so please reach out to social media outlets and make them aware of the upcoming work and that extra attention will need to be taken for the duration of this project.

This project will be going throughout the Summer and Fall and will encompass the Union Street, Cross Street, Chiswick Ave, and Pine street areas.

We are working on getting a new social media outlet up and running and will do what we can to get the word out also.”

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